A History of Interaction Analysis
1955: The natural history of an interview (NHI) working group is convened at CASBS (see their 1971 monograph)
1958: Trager, G. L. (1958). Paralanguage: A first approximation. Stud. Linguist., 13, 1-12.
1959: Goffman, E. (1959). The presentation of self in everyday life. New York: Doubleday.
1960: Pittenger, N., Hockett, C., and Danehy, J. (1960). The first five minutes: A sample of microscopic interview analysis. Ithaca NY: Martineau.
1963: Soskin, W. and John, V. (1963). The study of spontaneous talk. In R. Barker and L. Barker, (Eds.) The stream of behavior: Explorations of its structure and content. NY: Appleton-Century Crofts. (reporting the first research using audio recording of naturally occurring speech, recorded in 1953)
1964: Gumperz, J. and Hymes, D. (Eds.) (1964). The ethnography of communication. Special issue of American Anthropologist, 66(6) Part II. (Including E. Hall on proxemics, E. Goffman on the neglected situation, and C. Frake on how to ask for a drink in Subanun.)
1965: Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of a theory of syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
1967: Condon, W. S., & Ogston, W. D. (1967). A segmentation of behavior. Journal of psychiatric research, 5(3), 221-235.
1967: Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. New York: Polity.
1968: Hall, E. T., Birdwhistell, R. L., Bock, B., Bohannan, P., Diebold Jr, A. R., Durbin, M., ... & Vayda, A. P. (1968). Proxemics [and comments and replies]. Current anthropology, 9(2/3), 83-108.
1970: Birdwhistell, R. L. (1970). Kinesics and context: Essays on body motion communication. University of Pennsylvania press.
1972: Cazden, C., John, V., and Hymes, D. (eds.) (1972). Functions of language in the classroom. New York: Teachers College Press.
1973: Scheflen, A. E. (1973). Communicational structure: Analysis of a psychotherapy transaction. Indiana U. Press.
1974: Sacks, H., Schegloff, E.A. & Jefferson, G. (1974). A simplest systemics for the organization of turn taking for conversation. Language, 50:4, 696-735.
1975: Erickson, F. (1975). One function of proxemic shifts in face-to-face interaction. In Kendon, A., Key, M. R., and Harris, R. (eds.) Organization of behavior in face to face interaction (175-187). Aldine/Mouton.
1975: Erickson, F. (1975). Gatekeeping and the melting pot: Interaction in counseling encounters. Harvard educational review, 45(1), 44-70.
1978: Jordan, B. (1992). Birth in four cultures: A cross cultural investigation of childbirth in Yucatan, Holland, Sweden, and the United States. Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press.
1978: McDermott, R., Gospodinoff, K., & Aron, J. (1978). Criteria for an ethnographically adequate description of concerted activities and their contexts. Semiotica, 24, 245–275.
1970: Mehan, H. (1979). Learning lessons: Social organization in the classroom. Harvard University Press.
1979: Ochs, E. (1979). Transcription as theory. In E. Ochs & B. Schieffelin (Eds.), Developmental pragmatics (pp. 43-72). New York: Academic Press.
1979: Gumperz, J., Jupp, T., and Roberts, C. (1979). Crosstalk: Multi-racial Britain. (Video clips of role-played job interviews in BBC television series.)
1979: Latour, B., & Woolgar, S. (1979). Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton University Press.
1982: Gumperz, J. (1982). Discourse strategies. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.
1982: Erickson, F. and Shultz, J. (1982). The counselor as gatekeeper: Social interaction in interviews. New York: Academic Press.
1982: Grimshaw, A. (ed.) (1982). Sound image records in social interaction research. Special issue of Sociological Methods and Research, 11(2).
1983: Goffman, E. (1983). The interaction order: American Sociological Association, 1982 presidential address. American sociological review, 48(1), 1-17.
1983: Greeno, J. G. (1983). Conceptual entities. In D. Gentner & A. Stevens (Eds.), Mental models (pp. 235-260). Psychology Press.
1985: Fairclough, N. L. (1985). Critical and descriptive goals in discourse analysis. Journal of Pragmatics, 9(6), 739-763.
1985: Star, S. L. (1985). Scientific work and uncertainty. Social studies of Science, 15(3), 391-427.
1985: Erickson, F. (1985). Qualitative methods in research on teaching (pp. 119-62). Institute for Research on Teaching.
1986: Erickson, F. (1986). Listening and speaking. In D. Tannen and J. Alatis, (eds.) Languages and Linguistics: The interdependence of theory, data, and application. Georgetown Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, 1985.
1987: Suchman, L. A. (1987). Plans and situated actions: The problem of human-machine communication. Cambridge University Press.
1986: Heath, C. (1986). Body movement and speech in medical interaction. Cambridge UK: Cambridge U. Press.
1986: Latour, B. (1986). Visualization and cognition. Knowledge and society, 6(6), 1-40. (much of this article was incorporated into Science in Action, 1987)
1988: Lave, J. (1988). Cognition in practice: Mind, mathematics and culture in everyday life. Cambridge University Press.
1990: Fiksdal, S. (1990). The right time and pace: A microanalysis of cross-cultural gatekeeping interviews. Bloomsbury.
1990: Kendon, A. (1990). Conducting interaction: Patterns of behavior in focused encounters. Cambridge University Press.
1990: Goodwin, M. H. (1990). He-said-she-said: Talk as social organization among black children (Vol. 618). Indiana University Press.
1992: Schegloff, E. A. (1992). Repair after next turn: The last structurally provided defense of intersubjectivity in conversation. American journal of Sociology, 97(5), 1295-1345.
1992: Sacks, H. (1992). Lectures on Conversation: Volumes I and II (Edited by Gail Jefferson, with introduction by Emanuel Schegloff). Cambridge: Blackwell.
1992: Heritage, J., & Drew, P. (1992). Talk at work. Interaction in institutional settings. Cambridge.
1992: McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. University of Chicago Press.
1993: McDermott R.P. (1993). The acquisition of a child by a learning disability. In Chaiklin S, Lave J, (Eds.) Understanding Practice: Perspectives on Activity and Context (269-305.). Cambridge University Press.
1994: Goodwin, C. (1994). Professional vision. American Anthropologist, 96(3), 606-633.
1995: Jordan, B., & Henderson, A. (1995). Interaction analysis: Foundations and practice. The journal of the learning sciences, 4(1), 39-103.
1995: Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
1996: Hall, R. (1996). Representation as shared activity: Situated cognition and Dewey's cartography of experience. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 5(3), 209–238.
1998: Stevens, R. & Hall, R. (1998). Disciplined perception: learning to see in technoscience. In M. Lampert and M. Blunk (Eds.), Talking mathematics in school: Studies of teaching and learning (pp. 107-149). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
1998: Hall, R. & Rubin, A. (1998). ... there's five little notches in here: Dilemmas in teaching and learning the conventional structure of rate. In J. Greeno and S.G. Goldman (Eds.), Thinking practices in mathematics and science learning (pp. 189-235). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.
2000: Hall, R. (2000). Video recording as theory. In A. Kelley & R. Lesh (Eds.) Handbook of Research Design in Mathematics and Science Education (pp. 647-664). Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
2002: Hall, R., Stevens, R., & Torralba, A. (2002). Disrupting representational infrastructure in conversations across disciplines. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 9(3), 179-210.
2003: Erickson, F. (2003). Some notes on the musicality of speech. In D. Tannen and J. Alatis, (eds.) Linguistics, Language, and the Real World. Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, 2001.
2004: Erickson, F. (2004). Talk and social theory: Ecologies of speaking and listening in everyday life. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
2006: Celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Natural History of an Interview (Frederick Erickson hosts at the Center for the Advanced Study of Behavioral Sciences)
2008: Jurow, S., Hall, R. & Ma, J. (2008). Expanding the disciplinary expertise of a middle school mathematics classroom: Re-contextualizing student models in conversations with visiting scientists. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 17(3), 338-380.
2009: Streeck, J. (2009). Gesturecraft: The manu-facture of meaning. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
2010: Derry, S. J., Pea, R., Barron, B., Engle, R., Erickson, F., Goldman, R., Hall, R., Koschmann, T., Lemke, J., Sherin, M., Sherin, B (2010). Conducting video research in the learning sciences: Guidance on selection, analysis, technology, and ethics. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19, 1-51.
2010: Stivers, T, Enfield, N. J., and Levinson, S. C. (eds.) (2010). Question-response sequences in 10 languages. Special issue of the Journal of Pragmatics 42(10).
2010: Stevens, R. (2010). Learning as a members’ phenomenon: Toward an ethnographically adequate science of learning. Teachers College Record, 112(13), 82-97.
2011: Erickson, F. (2011). The gatekeeping encounter as a social form and as a site for face work. In Candlin, C. and Sarangi, S. (eds.) Handbook of communication in organizations and professions Berlin and New York: DeGruyter Mouton.
2011: Erickson, F. (2011). Uses of video in social research: a brief history. International journal of social research methodology, 14(3), 179-189.
2011: Hall, R. (2011). Cultural forms, agency, and the discovery of invention in classroom research on learning and teaching. In Theories of learning and studies of instructional practice (pp. 359-383). New York, NY: Springer New York. (Fred has a paper in here also—this is a “multiple analysis project” using recordings from Rich Lehrer and Leona Schauble)
2011: Streeck, J., Goodwin, C., & LeBaron, C. (Eds.). (2011). Embodied interaction: Language and body in the material world. Cambridge University Press.
2012: Hall, R. & Horn, I. S. (2012). Talk and conceptual change at work: Adequate representation and epistemic stance in a comparative analysis of statistical consulting and teacher workgroups. Mind, Culture and Activity, 19, 240-258.
2013: Taylor, K. H. & Hall, R. (2013). Counter-mapping the neighborhood on bicycles: Mobilizing youth to reimagine the city. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 18, 65-93.
2015: Hall, R. & Jurow, A. S. (2015). Changing Concepts in Activity: Descriptive and Design Studies of Consequential Learning in Conceptual Practices, Educational Psychologist, 50:3, 173-189.
2015: Erickson, F. (2015). Oral discourse as a semiotic ecology: The co-construction and mutual influence of speaking, listening, and looking. In Tannen, D., Hamilton, H., and Schiffrin, D., Handbook of Discourse Analysis 2nd Ed., New York: John Wiley.
2016: Hall, R. & Stevens, R. (2015). Interaction analysis approaches to knowledge in use. In A. A. diSessa, M. Levin, & J. S. Brown (Eds.), Knowledge and interaction: A synthetic agenda for the learning sciences (pp. 72-108). New York, NY: Routledge.
2016: Learning how to look and listen (Spencer Workshop, Arizona State University, Frederick Erickson, Sherman Dorn, Alfredo Artiles; see: https://www.learninghowtolookandlisten.com/)
2016: Ma, J. Y. (2016). Designing disruptions for productive hybridity: The case of walking scale geometry. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 25(3), 335-371.
2017: Erickson, F. (2017). Some lessons learned about teaching, research, and academic disputation. Education Review, 24.
2017: Shapiro, B. R., Hall, R. & Owens, D. A. (2017). Developing and using interaction geography in a museum. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 12, 377-399.
2017: Ma, J. Y. (2017). Multi-party, whole-body interactions in mathematical activity. Cognition and Instruction, 35(2), 141-164.
2017: Headrick Taylor, K. (2017). Learning along lines: Locative literacies for reading and writing the city. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 26(4), 533-574.
2017: Streeck, J. (2017). Self-making man: A day of action, life, and language. Cambridge University Press.
2018: Shapiro, B.R. & Hall, R. (2018, November). Personal curation in a museum. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.2, CSCW, Article 158. New York: ACM.
2018: Goodwin, C. (2018). Co-operative action. Cambridge University Press.
2018: Goodwin, M. and Cekaite, A. (2018). Embodied family choreography: Practices of control, care, and mundane activity. London and New York: Routledge.
2018: Deppermann, A., & Streeck, J. (Eds.). (2018). Time in embodied interaction: Synchronicity and sequentiality of multimodal resources (Vol. 293). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
2019: Keifert, D., & Stevens, R. (2019). Inquiry as a members’ phenomenon: Young children as competent inquirers. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 28(2), 240-278.
2019: Vogelstein, L., Brady, C. & Hall, R. (2019). Reenacting choreographed performance to invite ensemble learning in mathematical activity. ZDM Mathematics Education 51, 331–346.
2020: Marin, A., Taylor, K. H., Shapiro, B. R., & Hall, R. (2020). Why learning on the move: intersecting research pathways for mobility, learning and teaching. Cognition and Instruction, 38(3), 265-280.
2020: Sicoli, M. A. (2020). Saying and doing in Zapotec: multimodality, resonance, and the language of joint actions. Bloomsbury Publishing.
2020: Kelton, M. L., & Ma, J. Y. (2020). Assembling a torus: Family mobilities in an immersive mathematics exhibition. Cognition and Instruction, 38(3), 318-347.
2020: Hall, R., Shapiro, B. R., Hostetler, A., Lubbock, H., Owens, D., Daw, C., & Fisher, D. (2020). Here-and-then: Learning by making places with digital spatial story lines. Cognition and Instruction, 38(3), 348-373.
2020: Vossoughi, S., Jackson, A., Chen, S., Roldan, W., & Escudé, M. (2020). Embodied pathways and ethical trails: Studying learning in and through relational histories. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 29(2), 183-223.
2021: Mondada, L. (2021). Sensing in Social interaction: The taste for cheese in gourmet shops. Cambridge University Press.
2023: Johnson, S. J. (2023). La Mariposita¿ La recuerda?: the affective and moral dimensions of professional vision in learning to play the violin. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1-24.
2024: Shapiro, B.R., Horn, I.S., Gilliam, S., & Garner, B. (forthcoming). Situating Teacher Movement, Space, and Relationships to Pedagogy: A Visual Method and Framework. Educational Researcher.